Into the Music, Dear Friends…Once Again

Yes, I know we all talk about this a lot, but I felt like having just a little fun with it on a blog post today.

The music I listen to when I write is all over the place. For years, I had to put on the same CD to get me into the groove–The McGarrigle Sister’s Metapedia. Then Pandora came along, and I made a McGarrigle station, and all sort of other stuff popped up. I tended to listen to various “angry women singers,” while I was working on the YA–Melissa Etheridge, Alanis Morissette, P!nk, Pat Benatar. For my picture book, I created a House at Pooh Corner CD, but that didn’t really work, so I tend to go more random on that.

For non-writing work, there are days I need to be woken up, so a little Katrina and the Waves sometimes helps, or my wonderful Cyndi Lauper. Maybe some Motown. Then there are days when I need to be settled down and not get distracted by the beat–Van Morrison, The Duhks.

The last couple of days, I’ve actually been sticking in my earbuds at my work desk and listening to, wait for it….my yoga music. Well, okay, it’s the Deuter station–which is a group recommended by one of my Yoga teachers. I’m rather in shock at this, actually, because two years ago, I scorned the thought of yoga music, even for yoga. How we change. I do think it’s a sign of how I’ve been feeling in January–pulled in multiple directions, brain bouncing like a pinball in reaction to stimuli. It seems to be helping me focus, helping me stay quiet. So I’m going with it.

Let’s play a little in the comments. What are you listening to today? Why? And what project is it helping you with?



  1. Jeanie Wogaman says:

    I’m listening to the drone of construction equipment outside my window. 😉

    I don’t usually listen to music while I write. I’m afraid that I’m too visually oriented to pay adequate attention to the “sound” of my phrasing if competing tunes are playing in the background.


    • beckylevine says:

      Interesting. I find it nearly impossible to in silence. (And, no, I’m not asking you to send the construction equipment to my house!) I have to admit, though, this yoga music closer to silence than I ever thought I could do.


  2. My favorite music to help my focus on writing or studying is acoustic and piano music on Pandora. Having that background noise helps me keep from getting distracted, but I also can’t have lyrics and be singing along in my head while trying to write. I like your idea of listening to different artists depending on your mood and the inspiration you need. Feel free to see some of my writing and advice on my blog,
    – Samantha Wood


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