Randomy Friday Five

1. I’m guest blogging today at Killer Hobbies, filling in for my critique partner who’s off being incredibly creative and productive at a writing retreat. The rest of the Killer Hobbyists have been blogging about the writing craft all week–incredibly detailed information about technique. Stop by and leave a comment on any of the posts, and Terri & I will enter you for a chance to win a copy of The Writing & Critique Group Survival Guide.

2. I’m feeling pretty committed to working through the entire plot (at a basic level!) of my WIP. I’m also heading into plotting the middle, which is going to test that commitment in a big way. It’s good timing, though, with the holidays coming up–less time for sustained writing, plenty of time for sitting down at the computer and figuring out a few scene goals.

3. I got some early critique feedback & questions from Susan Taylor Brown yesterday on my picture book. Good stuff. Yes, the mom either has to step up to the plate and DO something, or she can just back slowly away from the story at all. I’m in favor of the first option; we’ll see what she and I can come up with.

4. The weather today is some of my favorite. Gray clouds overhead with a little breeze that, every few minutes, picks up and blows leaves around, makes the bark on the eucalyptus trees wave, and causes SOMETHING you can only hear to skitter across the road or roof. It’s incredibly cozy, calling for fleece and a fire, I think. Okay, maybe not till tonight!

5. I’m jumping all over the place on Pandora, looking for new music I can plot to. I can do a bit more lively with plot than I can with writing, in fact more energy helps. This morning, I’m listening to Spin Doctors radio, but I’m considering some reggae for later in the day.


  1. I’m hoping we get some of that lovely weather down here. Right now the sun is just shining like usual. Boring.

    Have fun with the muddle, er, middle 😛


    • beckylevine says:

      Oh, I just realized that’s probably why I’m a bit of a dawdler today. Still futzing around with the beginning–probably because I don’t WANT to get to that muddle.

      Here’s to rain for you! 🙂


  2. Amy G. says:

    “DO something!” — an excellent motto for characters. And middles, come to think of it.

    Wishing you luck with both!


  3. P. J. Hoover says:

    Yay for good feedback! And the plot stuff. Oh, the plot. I’m having great ideas on this front, too! Hope you had a great weekend!


  4. Barrie Summy says:

    I’m definitely a work-through-the-plot kind of gal!


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