The Honest Scrap Award: Passing Along the Thanks

Last weekend, Kim Koning sent me a note that I might want to check out her blog post. What a wonderful surprise to find out that I was on her list for the Honest Scrap blog award. Here’s the description of the award:

The Honest Scrap Award:

This award is about bloggers who post from their heart, who often times put their heart on display as they write from the depths of their soul. This means so much to me as that is the root reason of why and what I write about. I believe writing is your heart without a mask. My writing, whether it be a blog post, a poem, a piece of prose or a WIP is the truest part of my soul. To me writing is about honesty and truth-seeking. There is the saying that the pen is more powerful than the sword. I believe that writing is a way to challenge people and to speak often times for those who cannot speak.

As a recipient, I get to pass the award onto other bloggers who I think meet this description, and then you get to hear 10 honest things about me. Lucky you! I’ll try not to get too gushy. 🙂

Step 1: Sharing the Award

I’m going to pick some of the bloggers I’ve discovered more recently, bloggers who I think examine this writing life closely and, yes, honestly, but mostly with intelligence and imagination.

And ten things about me you may never have wanted to know:

1. I do worry more than I let you see on the blog. So much for completely honest. 🙂

2. Working at my parents’ veterinary clinic, I successfully and without injury held (down) many cats and dogs for exams. I have a huge scar on my hand from the one time I tried to hold my own cat while a vet took his temperature. File that under the category of Should Have Known Better.

3. I don’t really like the beach. I lived near it (5 minutes) for 18 years of my life and lived on it for a year in college, and have probably accrued fewer hours of actual on-the-sand-or-in-the-water time than many people who grow up in the midwest.

4. I took myself off to Great Britain for five weeks when I was 25, by myself, with a backpack and a lot of train tickets. Got lost many times, but lonely only once.

5. Someday I will probably own something produced and manufactured by Apple. But not yet. (Especially now that Scrivener for Windows is “coming soon!”)

6. I don’t like shoes. I wear them because I have to, but only when absolutely necessary.

7. You don’t want to give me a plant. For the house or outside. Not if you care for its survival. Seriously.

8. Years ago, a friend and I rode in the Port Townsend Kinetic Sculpture Race. We won a prize for best costumes. Don’t ask.

9. I type 100 words a minute. And, no, I won’t type all your college essays for you. Been there, done that.

10. When I was in grad school, I worked as a tour guide at Ashlawn, James Monroe’s home in Charlottesville, VA. And, yes, I started saying y’all. It just felt way too rude, in that place, to use California-speak: “Okay, you guys can move into the next room now.”

So there you have it. Happy Honest Scrap Award to Mike, Jordan, Michelle, and Claudia, and happy weekend to everybody else!


  1. Aww, thanks Becky. I must admit, there are many times after I write a post that I think, “Maybe I shouldn’t have written that”. It’s nice to know that yes, I should have. 🙂


  2. Ha! Just saw that three of the four of us have the same blog template. Hmm …


  3. Mike Jung says:

    This is high praise, thanks Becky! Like Claudia, I sometimes go into a paroxysm of doubt after posting on my blog, so it’s very nice to get some affirmation.


    • beckylevine says:

      Mike, it may just be that you’re exploring things important to me right now, but they feel universal. And it is always reassuring to hear someone else talking about it, clearly and with humor! 🙂


  4. jama says:

    Congrats on receiving this well deserved award :)! I’ve always enjoyed your blog because of your authentic voice — sometimes the truth is difficult to express, but I sense you are always striving to communicate it.

    As for your 10 things, I nodded in agreement several times — 1,3, 5, 7 and 9! Same here :). Love #4! But, I may break down and get a MAC for my birthday next month.


  5. Becky,

    Congrats on winning the award and thank you so much for passing it on to me. You’re so sweet! I also kill indoor plants, but my outdoor plants seem to thrive (don’t know why since I ignore them most of the time).

    I’ll have to do some thinking about this over the weekend and post next week… 🙂



    • beckylevine says:

      We live up in the hills, so MOST of my outdoor plants are oak & bay trees-they do fine without me. And my husband takes care of everything else. 🙂


  6. nrhatch says:

    Loved your list . . . especially #6. That’s why we moved to Florida ~ more barefoot days on the beach.

    Congrats on the award . . . a perfect fit for you (even better than receiving the finest pair of handmade Italian shoes).


    • beckylevine says:

      Barefoot is good! And Italian shoes might be nice, but still–then I’d have to wear them. 🙂


  7. Love #4! And I like beaches best on cool, breezy days when I can wear a windbreaker and beachcomb. Hot, sunny, nothing-but-a-bikini days, not so much.


  8. Becky, I did NOT see this until today. I feel like such a dolt. Thank you for being such a sweetheart!


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