Sometimes We Must Sacrifice for Our Art

And sometimes, we just get to enjoy that sacrifice a whole lot!

Here’s what I’ll be doing this week:

 I have gotten quite behind in my research reading for my historical YA. “Behind” translates into, “Oh, boy, do I have a lot of books out from the library that can’t be renewed for much longer!”  So this week, although I’m hoping to get some scene plotting done as well, a big chunk of my time will be alloted to, if not reading all these books, at least reading through them to see if they have any of the information I need.

And, then, you know, I’ll put them back on my shelf and return them to their various library homes, until I get to another chapter and realize I need them again!

It’s supposed to rain on and off this week, so, honestly, I’m looking forward to quiet time on the couch, with the rain falling outside and the cat keeping me company inside. It’s been a fairly disjoined week or two, as well, so I’m also looking forward to refocusing, re-immersing myself in my story world—getting back into the time and setting, while I mull over what trouble my MC will get herself into next. The one thing I’ve learned about this character, is that—as much as there are times I’d like to—I can’t rush her.

Plus, it’s weeks like these, when I feel like maybe you’re stepping too far away from the writing, that I surprise myself by finding treasures to bring back to it.

What’s your project for the week?


  1. Claudine says:

    Great line, Becky (translation etc). Laugh-out-loud funny.
    Kudos on your reconnection and your research. I have to laugh at your stack of books because I can really identify, not necessarily on the research books, but I’m famous (to myself) for checking out 15 or 20 books at a time.
    I’m doing the Book In a Week this week and using it get 40 pages (10K) further on my book.


  2. Yes, I have a little stack of those reluctant returns also. Certain books, I might just as well buy because I’m going to fork over some hefty fines. But I figure that makes me a Friend of the Library.

    We’re expecting snow here although not the kind to snow us in, I don’t think.

    Happy reading! (Do you take notes too?)


    • beckylevine says:

      So funny–I just bought my husband a book he was taking a while to read from the library, because I thought he was building up SUCH an overdue fee. Turned out it was books I HAD turned in already, but quite late. Oopsie! He says the same thing you do–we’re just helping out the library with donations. 🙂

      I do take notes, because I think, Oh, I need to remember this. But they’re not organized, just in a notebook, and I actually despair about ever really being able to use them! What about you?


  3. I’m not a great notetaker. I scribble in books, flag things, photocopy things. And spend too much time looking for info I know I read somewhere!


  4. Cid says:

    Oh my… I’m going to my old college’s library this weekend to do just that! I need to find books, do research, and in the end figure out which books I should buy to have and never part with. I’m going to start a non-fiction, spiritual project probably in late spring and the amount of research I feel is necessary is about as big as Texas 😀


    • beckylevine says:

      Have fun & good luck! I just cleared off another shelf in my office, which may (okay, probably will!) get filled with more of those ones we have to keep!


  5. Amy G says:

    Happy reading, Becky! Love that translation. I’ve been in that same place all too often. In fact, I have some books due yesterday that need to go back pronto.


    • beckylevine says:

      How are you handling packing books (not library books!) for your move? That’s the part I’d find hardest, I think.


  6. 52 Faces says:

    Yes, yes, oh gawd yes! I have to limit myself to only taking a few books out at a time now. I run so many late fees over DVDs though. (Damn you Queens Library – I moved to Cali what do you want from me?)

    Very nice to meet you and hear of your book. Great advice about receiving critiques and troubleshooting critique groups. My last group’s issue was “6 different opinions, great, I have no idea what to apply now. Guess I’ll shelve the work and remain clueless.” sigh.


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